By , May 19, 2011 / No Comments
Dr. Mehment Oz and Dr. Michael Roizen discuss one of the benefits of caffeine in the below Q&A article. They maintain that caffeine seems to have brain-defending attributes and is the reason drinking three cups of coffee a day reduces the risk of dementia by 65 percent. In response to those who don't like coffee, they suggest another route to receive adequate amounts of caffeine: green or black tea. GreenCoffex® offers yet another alternative, great for people who don't want to keep downing coffee or tea all day. Each GreenCoffex® capsule contains 200mg of caffeine, equivalent to two cups of coffee and is made of pure, unprocessed (non-synthetic) caffeine derived naturally from Colombian Green Coffee Beans, making it a healthy energy solution.
Read more at the Washington Examiner:
Q: You say that three cups of coffee a day reduces the risk of dementia by 65 percent. I can't stand the taste of coffee. Are there any alternatives that have the same brain effects? My mom had severe dementia. -- Sharon Louise, via email
A: What, you hate the world's most popular psychoactive drug? You're not alone. Mehmet is no fan, but Mike loves it. There's even an "I Hate Coffee" group on Facebook. Fortunately, caffeine seems to be one of the key brain-defending compounds in coffee, and there are plenty of other tasty places to get caffeine, especially green and black teas, which have many other benefits. Among them: A cup of either can give you instant smarts to deal with challenging tasks, like doing your own taxes (if only you'd known!). Other brain builders:
» A Mediterranean-style diet rich in fish, fruits, vegetables, and a little olive oil and red wine.
» Plenty of omega-3 fatty acids. Get yours from oily cold-water fish (salmon, trout, canned tuna); from algae-based supplements that contain the DHA form of omega-3; and from walnuts, flaxseed oil and dark green leafy greens.
» Monounsaturated fats like those found in olives, almonds and avocados.
» Regular physical activity, including strength work (push-ups, pull-ups, using weights or resistance bands).
The YOU Docs, Mehmet Oz and Mike Roizen, are authors of "YOU: On a Diet." Want more? See "The Dr. Oz Show" on TV (check local listings). To submit questions, go to